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Eric Patenaude, Board of Directors Chair

A native of Crookston, MN, Eric received a bachelor's degrees in music and religion at Concordia College in Moorhead, MN. He studied piano as well through college and loves to play at home and at church. He currently works as a senior business analyst at General Mills, a company he has been with for 16 years. Prior to working at General Mills Eric sang bass in a professional touring a cappella group for six years. He lives with his wife, Becca, four daughters, and one son in Bloomington, MN. 

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Sarah Leitzke, Board of Directors Vice Chair
Sarah lives in Minneapolis with her husband and daughter. She is the Director of Risk Management for The Bahnsen Group working with all clients of the firm regarding their insurance needs. Though music is not her profession, she holds a Bachelor’s Degree in music. She is involved in her local church and frequently serves in the worship band and leads when asked.
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Tim Emslie, Interim Treasurer
Carmen Allen, Secretary
Music has been an important part of Carmen’s life since early childhood.  Her parents encouraged each of their seven children to be involved in music as they grew up.  Carmen studied piano and flute through high school and college, and then earned a master’s degree in music composition.  With a pastor husband, she has served in several churches and colleges, always having music as part of her ministry with choirs, orchestras, and small ensembles.  She was thrilled to discover Deo Cantamus when her family moved to New Hope six years ago, and she appreciates the purpose and quality of musicianship of the ensemble. We sing for God!


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Richard Joseph, Director

Richard Joseph, is a local artist in the Twin Cities, having sung with Mn Opera, Mn Chorale, Vocal Essence, St. Louis Opera Theatre, Mill City Summer Opera, Metropolitan Symphony and the Lyra Baroque Orchestra. He holds a Doctorate of Musical Arts from the University of Mn, M.M. in Voice Performance from Florida State University and a B.A. from Clearwater Christian College. In addition to performing, Richard holds the position of Assistant Professor of Music at the University of Northwestern St. Paul.  

Roger Kilian, Director
Music has been a significant part of Roger's upbringing. As a child his family all learned to sing, play instruments and use these talents to serve the Lord in the local church. High school and college afforded additional training and development of these musical gifts.  After completion of both a theological and sacred music degree, his first experience was teaching music in a Christian school in Ohio. This led to becoming the music director of the church as well.  Eventually God led to serve at Fourth Baptist Church and School in Plymouth, MN for a combined total of 50 years. Now retired he is grateful to the Lord for the opportunities to continue to serve Him.


Sam Macalus, Director

Sam Macalus has had a passion for high quality vocal music from his earliest days. As a youth, he toured Europe with the Metropolitan Boys’ Choir of Minneapolis. Since that time, he has sung in various vocal ensembles, including the  Fourth Baptist Church choir and the Deo Cantamus Chorale. He regularly participates in the music of Fourth Baptist Church, where he also serves as an administrative deacon and as a board member of Central Baptist Theological Seminary of Minneapolis. Sam is a senior manager at Target Corp. and holds a degree in business from the University of Minnesota. He, his wife Hannah, and his three daughters reside in Plymouth, MN.

Tom Oberg, Director

Tom was born to loving Christian parents who taught him the gospel from an early age. He came to faith in Christ at a Christian camp when he was 15 years old. After high school Tom traveled with a Christian musical drama ministry where he met his wife, Bonnie. They have been married for 40 years and have three grown children and two grandsons. Tom graduated from Bob Jones University with a degree in Bible education. Tom is a regional sales manager with Eaton Notification. “I have been fortunate to be involved with choral singing from an early age. I love the majesty and grandeur of the Lord portrayed through music. I am so thankful to be a part of Deo Cantamus. Seeing God magnified and glorified through its ministry is wonderful."

Kathy Tschica, Director
Kathy has been involved in music since she was a child.  She started singing in church with her dad and sisters and, as a teenager, became on the church’s pianists.  Her entire life, she has been singing in choirs and loves to worship with other believers.  Kathy received her bachelor’s of science in music education from what is now University of Northwestern St. Paul.  She taught elementary and junior high music for 13 years and is now a singer-songwriter, blogger, children’s book author, and church musician.  She and her husband, Paul, are recent empty-nesters.  Her prayer is that all she does bring honor and glory to Jesus. 

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