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"...excellence is a characteristic of God…The Scripture says His name is excellent. His loving-kindness in excellent, His salvation is excellent, His way is excellent, His work in excellent, and His will is excellent. I look at excellence not as a fleshly characteristic al all, but as a reflection of all that God is and all that He does and all that he represents..."

           ~ George Sweeting​


   Join the Deo Cantamus chorale and soloists, for a performance of Parts II & III of Messiah by George Frederic Handel.


   Handel’s Messiah is recognized as one of the most well-known and frequently performed choral works in all of Western music. Although many people associate Messiah with the Christmas season, the premiere performance in Dublin was on April 13, 1742, and was initially conceived to be more appropriate for Easter. Parts II & III are less familiar but no-less masterful, focusing on the persecution, death, resurrection, and eternal glory of our Lord. On Palm Sunday weekend, we invite you to celebrate the wondrous work of Christ with us as we anticipate Resurrection Sunday with this glorious music.


   All are welcome!




Saturday, April 12, 2025

Fourth Baptist Church Auditorium

900 Forestview Lane North

Plymouth, MN



3:30 pm: Doors Open

4:00 pm: Performance Begins




Sunday,April 13, 2025

Faith Lutheran Church

11115 Hanson Boulevard NW

Coon Rapids, MN 55433



3:30 pm: Doors Open

4:00 pm: Performance Begins



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